Like ships to a lighthouse, music can often serve as a beacon for guidance. This rings especially true to Scott St Louis, who uses music as his personal vessel for healing. With a sound revolving around raw and honest commentary of the triumphs and failures throughout his life, the multedisciplined artist brings an array of musical talents together to craft a signature sound like no other.
Hailing from California, Scott sound blends a mix of rock, alternative, soft rock and punk elements into potent melodies replete with fluid stylish rhythms. After writing his first song at the age of twelve, musk has been a mainstay throughout life that not only acts as a form of therapy, but also affords him a platform to have genuine conversations with himself and the world around him.
His past is defined by his milestones of success. Scott achieved worldwide acclaim with the notorious Ditch Bank Okies, playing on seven international releases, and was the main singer-songwriter in Boss Tweed. His music has been featured on IndieBandeuru and the Fluffington Post, who have described his music as "having it going on in a factor five markup way"
Now, Scott is focusing his energy into helping people who feel the same way as him; those who deal with depression on a daily basis and who seek the confines of a safe space away from the absurdity of modern day life.
Fans of Scott St Louis will be more than happy to hear that his next release is out on the 31st July this year. The track is titled 'Agenda' and showcases the full breadth of his talents as a multi-instrumentalist, producer and more.